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GenKekoa 06-15-2006 03:52 PM

Dual Monitors
Hi everyone! I have used Marine Aquarium Time 2.0 for quite awhile. I recently upgraded my video card to support dual monitors. I then downloaded the new Marine Aquarium Time 2.0 MD so I could have the aquarium on both monitors. The secondary monitor is just a clone of the primary one. Is it possible to get it to be one big aquarium? You know like have the fish swim from screen to screen. Thank you for your help in advanced!

feldon34 06-15-2006 08:09 PM

Welcome to the forums!

Unfortunately, this is not a feature of Marine Aquarium MD.

ESHIREY 06-16-2006 12:47 PM


Originally Posted by GenKekoa
Hi everyone! I have used Marine Aquarium Time 2.0 for quite awhile. I recently upgraded my video card to support dual monitors. I then downloaded the new Marine Aquarium Time 2.0 MD so I could have the aquarium on both monitors. The secondary monitor is just a clone of the primary one. Is it possible to get it to be one big aquarium? You know like have the fish swim from screen to screen. Thank you for your help in advanced!

Run it in span view and they will go from one tank to another. That's how I run it.:TU:

GenKekoa 06-16-2006 03:02 PM

Thanks for the welcome! How do I enable span view? I didn't see it in the settings.

Tiny Turtle 06-16-2006 03:12 PM

..and end up with the tank proportions stretched, right?

ESHIREY 06-16-2006 09:22 PM

It's not as bad as what a lot of you think. As for the settings, first off, what kind of card do you have?

cjmaddy 06-17-2006 03:30 AM

Ed, - It really is time you pressed that [Print Scrn] button! ;)

Show us how much cropping/stretching/distorting is, as you put it, "... not as bad as what a lot of you think."
Remember though, to some people, any distortion might be unacceptable! :)

GenKekoa, - I have found that Aqua Garden is the only decent aquarium screen saver for spanning two monitors the way you request, though I have stopped using it because I don't like span mode and it has a lot of fish 'pass throughs'. - But I still consider it one of the few realistic fish screen savers currently available.
DreamAquarium is the best for the way it implements dual monitors, IMO. - And it is developing into a super product! - Give it a try if you havent seen it!

If/when SereneScreen adopt a similar system to DA, (for dual monitors), then we will have the best of both worlds! - Come on Prolific, how many more hints do you need? !!! :)

Jim Sachs 06-17-2006 08:36 AM

Would [PrintScrn] work in this case? He may have to physically take a picture of his setup in order to portray what he's actually seeing.

cjmaddy 06-17-2006 10:21 AM

1 Attachment(s)
I don't see why it shouldn't, Jim. - Do you mean because he has dual monitors or because he uses span mode? - In both cases [Print Scrn] works for me, just the same as it does for a single monitor in 'Single display' mode.

Here's a screen shot in 'Horizontal span' mode of Aqua Garden, made just a few moments ago. And there is one of DA made a few months back, before the recent changes, on this page.

feldon34 06-17-2006 01:48 PM

16:9 (widescreen) aquarium stretched to 24:9 (4:3 x 2).

cjmaddy 06-17-2006 03:49 PM

You've lost me there. What point are you making? - (Or disagreeing with! ;) )

feldon34 06-17-2006 03:59 PM

Someone asked how you're getting the Aquarium to span 2 monitors without looking disgusting. The mathematical explanation was my answer.

cjmaddy 06-17-2006 04:28 PM

Would you not agree that your answer implies stretching? - I went to some trouble to show that stretching is avoided, but only by cropping the height.

Aqua Garden is as supplied. It's total size is approx 11x3. The arrow keys pan along it. When displayed in horizontal span mode, you can chose any 8x3 section of it. - There is no stretching as far as I know.

Similarly, there is no stretching in that screen shot of DreamAquarium. As I said in the original post in April, "Here is a screen shot of the two-screen-wide DA, in span mode, (ie. cropped top and bottom, but correct proportions)."

feldon34 06-17-2006 04:48 PM

If you've got the primo solution, I'll step back and let you give it.

cjmaddy 06-17-2006 05:01 PM

Just 'cause you only managed to draw with Italy, and you're bottom of your group, - don't try to take it out on me! ;);)

Surferminn 06-17-2006 05:30 PM

Yeah, but we managed that tie point with only 9 men on the field! :p

FishyBusiness 06-18-2006 09:47 AM

Hmmm. I am not on the field, so I didn't manage to do

Jim Sachs 06-18-2006 09:18 PM

Cliff - I don't know for a fact that what Ed is seeing on his monitors would be different from what he would capture with a video grab, but it's possible. I'd like to see an actual photo.

By the way - How did you manage to capture two pass-throughs in one pic, even with such a sparse number of fish in that tank?

Tiny Turtle 06-19-2006 03:16 AM

I'm with Jim, a PrintScreen wouldn't be of much help. A photo of both monitors would however be great.

drfish 06-19-2006 03:37 AM

prt scrn should do the job just fine, it'll capture what's on both screens all at once and when you view them on one screen you'll just scroll left and right to see it... Like I did with this shot of Civ2 across three screens:

Unless I'm missing something I don't see why that wouldn't be good enough...?

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