Thread: Bug: Unconfirmed Upgrading to currently released version
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Old 01-17-2010, 07:51 PM   #10
JohnWho's Avatar
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You are reading my mind, Ralph.

Since I last posted, I went to uninstall the Nova ("boxed") version as I described.

To my surprise, both copies of my MA3 showed up - the NOVA one and the Prolific one - each with it's own uninstal routine.

So, I first uninstalled the NOVA copy and then the Prolific copy, re-booted, and checked to see if either was still there. Nope, both gone.

Next, I installed the Prolific download. I wanted to see if it would use the NOVA Serial Code, which I was prepared to re-type. To my surprise, as you noted, there were still some registry settings remaining from the NOVA installation and it "remembered" my Serial Code and is registered/unlocked.

In the "about" screen, it shows the Prolific information, not the NOVA info that was showing under the NOVA install. Website link is now to Prolific, while it was to NOVA under the NOVA install.

Yep, bits of this and bits of that are apparently somewhere.

I wonder if there is a way I can clean all of both off so I can run a "clean" MA3?
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