Thread: Clams Progress
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Old 04-14-2009, 08:24 PM   #178
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Originally posted by Jim Sachs:
If a fish were to decide to swim directly over all three clams, they would react identically. Most fish move straight across the tank up against the front glass, which takes them near enough to the front clam to trigger it. As more animated items are added to the tank, you will begin to appreciate the fact that there are actions which happen frequently, and others which happen rarely, (and some which almost never happen).

The goal is to keep people interested, no matter how long they've had the Aquarium, "Hey...I never saw THAT before!"  
It might open a can of worms for you... But.. I wish more fish would swim front to back (and back to front) between the coral and the crystal. They currently do to some extent but are always quite high. The clams would get much more of a workout if fish swam closer to "ground" level through this "gap". And.. in general the fish should swim closer to the ground, especially in the clam area.. I know you have had problems with fish submerging.. but
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