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Old 04-18-2006, 01:17 PM   #29
Inspector Dryfish
Join Date: May 2005

Posts: 18
disproportionately yours...

I have an nVidia FX1300 running two 19-inch Dell monitors in span mode. I use a setting of 2560x1024 x 32.
I've been running MA2MD for some time.

I just purchased the upgrade to 2.6.

I'm trying to fiddle the settings to make the background fill the spanned monitors. Either I can have it span fully, but the fish are distorted horizontally, or I can have the fish roughly proportional but the aquarium straddles the middle of the two monitors leaving wide black bands at the outer extremities. I've had no luck with "Use Widescreen" on or off and a range of anamorphic settings.

Is there a way to have a full span, and have the background extend above and below the viewing area, to keep the fish in proper aspect ratio?

I'm not suggesting that I had it before. I'm just asking if there's a way. I prefer clipping the top and bottom of a properly proportioned tank if I can get the picture to fully use the left-right acreage of my spanned monitors.


Kevin (using mostly DreamAquarium these days)
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