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Old 12-04-2007, 09:02 AM   #1541
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Tiny - Cool eel article. Bunch of science fiction aliens, monsters, ships, etc., have been modeled after sea life and their movements because they seem "alien" to us and/or really cool. You have probably noticed some sci fi vessels that fly through outer space that mirror the fluidity and agility of the manta ray. Or in Star Wars, when Solo flew his ship into the mouth/body of an alien creature asleep -- kinda resembled an eel hiding in a rock when it woke up and reared it's ugly head and neck out of the asteroid they were hiding in. But very cool article providing proof that such things exist and not just someone's imagination. But imo, LOTS of things exist whether or not science has caught up to them yet, to document their existence. It's a big world out there, proof or no proof. Good thing we are able to exist without proof. (So what's the proof for love -- for which people believe exist and make commitments to marriages for the duration of their lives based upon what proof?) Anyway, again, very cool documented eel article.

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