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Old 07-27-2011, 01:12 AM   #914
PaulsPics's Avatar
Join Date: Jul 2002

Location: Sydney Australia
Posts: 71
Cool where is Harvey ?

ANNOUNCEMENT: Marine Aquarium 3 (Download and News)
Some years ago, due to numerous update versions, of MA 3, there was an anouncement that a page would be set aside for such notifications.
I the other night received an E-mail from the forum of a posting by Pat Scarr of his visit to his dentist.
He mentions his offer to add Harvey to the cave. Thus somehat perplexed but allerted I went to look for a new download page.( I was hoping for my wishlist Banded Srimp )
Found Harvey on the above page Plus some discussions, downloaded it and Harvey is in the cave on my computer. He pops his head out quite often , but yoou masst wait for the auto pan to go past al least once
Can you advise if other updates will be advised of any creature Packs in a more easier and reliable method ? Please ,
I am always on the lookout for more of the natural effects and interesting items to add to my simullateed table top reef and decorate Jim's great work
Many Thanks Jim please forgive my awful typing, these days.
Excuse old age as the months pass even quicker
these days . Maybe your Reef will see me out ?
NB I am going to Cairns next year in November to watch the spectacular TOTAL ECLIPSE OF THE SUN on the 14th , but will linger there awhile to see some of the reef but expect the only fish I will see will be hot and on a plate. No Scuba diving these days or even snorkling, due to my age and health.
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