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Old 10-08-2004, 03:57 PM   #85
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Location: London, UK
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Some suggestions (feel free to ignore):
(1) Movement -
(i) Have "places of interest", which might be static or mobile and have fish move towards them. (Static - bit of weed, fish feeder. Dynamic - perhaps just have a moving spot on glass, etc.)
(ii) Have idle path for fish to swim where choose a dir and head in it. Or could have a pattern (chosen from a number of different ones) that projects from fish's current position and size for space, with limit to turn angle allowed.
(iii) If fish near another fish then have chance will follow nearly the same path if same type of fish (chance depends on type).
(iv) also have a density calc that will choose new fish course if an area is getting crowded.
(I could do a longer version, but it's late and I'm tired and a bit ill.)
(2) Collisions -
Extend a rod from front of fish and any other moving objects to a distance proportional to speed. When that rod intersects another object's rod (or a non-moving object) one or both must take avoiding action unless target is collision (like fish+something edible).
Bonus personal view - the current background is naff and looks very naff on many LCDs. I was hoping it would get upgraded.
Anyway, just a contribution...
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