Thread: pirates suck
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Old 03-23-2003, 05:34 PM   #9
Quick Death
Join Date: Jan 2003

Location: New York
Posts: 102
Aside from having the SS contact a local server to verify the key each time and the IP lock out, more suggestions are:

1. PGP serial key encryption
2. program based goto based on keycode

For example: part of the keycode would direct the program where to loop to. I've seen this done in some FTP and some medical programs, works well and decreases the fake keys. As well, you can base the serial on the registration name/hardware ID number of the video card.

If you combine all these ideas, the chances of someone wanting to create a fake serial are that much less.

-Just my 2cents. (add another 23 and you can make a phone call!)
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