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Old 09-10-2004, 10:41 AM   #345
Goldfish Aquarium Developer
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Join Date: Jan 2004

Location: Glendale, California
Posts: 82
Believe it or not, I've got this very thing on my mental list of things to improve. My vision of the pond is slightly different, but it's basically the same idea; to make it feel more real and less "floating-in-space." I can't promise it'll be the next thing I work on, but you never know...!

The whole pond-view idea, by the way, started as a lark; one day I was experimenting with different camera placements so I could more accurately assign the proper depths to various objects... and I suddenly wondered what it all looked like from directly overhead. Something about it really appealed to me... probably because I own koi. But the program really wasn't written with that view in mind, so you'll have to be patient with this version of it for a while until we can add what's needed to really make it look right. Until then, if you don't like it, just uncheck it! I won't be offended.

Thanks, as always, for all the feedback, the positive as well as the negative!

--Eric Daniels
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