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Old 03-25-2002, 02:13 PM   #524
lurking in the shadows...
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Join Date: Mar 2002

Location: just a few paces south o' the old willow
Posts: 151
I was poking around the Internet looking for El-fish the other day wishing someone would make a new version of it, when I found this screensaver! It's incredible!

I'm dying for add-ons, especially invertebrates.

One I notice was mentioned a while ago was the Chambered Nautilus. There was some concern whether the juveniles look the same as the adults. Nautilus, like all cephalopods, have "larval" stages in which the young look very different, but this is only when VERY tiny. At the size appropriate for the Aquarium they would be a gorgeous addition.

I'm incredibly anxious to get the octopus. I had one once, and it was the most fascinating thing I ever kept in a tank. I can see how difficult it would be to design though, what with all the range of movements and changing of color and shape an octopus does. I saw a picture of a Blue Ring on the wish list, that would be the perfect size, and are beautiful. My Two Spot octopus was about that big (size of my fist) and the damsels would occasionally nip at the tips of his arms thinking they were food. A couple of times this startled him enough to jet off and release ink. This would be great to see when behaviors are added to the tank. I would have been willing to pay the $20 for a screensaver with JUST an octopus, hope this gets done!

Someone already brought up another suggestion I had, cleaner fish and shrimp working on the fish. A shrimp picking through a yawning moray's teeth would be amazing!

Another invert I wanted to add is the Mantis shrimp. I don't have any pics, but they're extremely colorful and attractive. They also have powerful front legs folded like a praying mantis, which can shoot out and crack a clam shell, or amputate a diver's finger! It would be nice to see them make the occasional lunge at a fish in the Aquarium, even if they can't hurt it.

A final suggestion would maybe be better for a whole new program: deep sea fish! With a lot of bizarre fish like viperfish, anglerfish, and gulper eels. Many deep-sea fish and squid have glowing light organs on their bodies, and seeing these swimming through a dark murky environment would be really impressive, I'm suprised no one's talked about it yet.

I'll keep an eye out for more ideas (not that you don't already have more suggestions than you need.

Thanks Jim for a great program!
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