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Old 06-04-2010, 10:03 AM   #59
Join Date: Jun 2005

Location: Western Missouri
Posts: 960
Isn't that two entirely different subjects, connected only by multiple monitors? And are they thoroughly understood?

Originally posted by cjmaddy:
On multi-monitor systems, any attempt to start a second-instance window of MA3 will not fail, (as intended), but is likely to cause a locked second image, requiring MA3 to be closed down in order to clear the locked image..]  
Perhaps I don't understand the situation. Does that always occur on any multi-monitor systems? Otherwise, wouldn't it just be sufficient to say "don't try that"?

Originally posted by cjmaddy:
Additionally, it is recommended that the size and shape of any MA3 'window' must be contained within the screen area of the Primary monitor only, if normal running is to be achieved. - If any part of the window should encroach onto a second screen, then the FPS will drop dramatically. - Setting-up which monitor is to be the Primary monitor, is therefore also important.[/b][/i]]  
I don't understand that wording at all. To me, it says that MA3 will only work on one monitor, if you have more than one.

And, whatever the restriction, does it apply to all multi-monitor systems? Or just some?

Frankly, if the behaviors (or "bugs") are not thoroughly understood, I'm not sure they should be documented. But perhaps you and Ralph do completely understand what's happening, and I'm just not reading well.
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