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Old 01-19-2002, 06:45 PM   #135
Join Date: Dec 2001

Posts: 48
Re: Hardware help!

Originally posted by ponyboy
After installing MS Plus! XP I discovered I could not run SS with my current video card (ATI All-In-Wonder Pro, 8 meg on board). Good reason I thought to upgrade! So I bought the ATI A-I-W Radeon, 32meg). Looks great but with the three fish loaded, I am getting the "jerky fish jive"! Is my card or system not fast enough for this program or is their some compatibility problem? System: Intel PIII-750MHz, 768 meg RAM, Windows XP, and the RADEON card on a 21" monitor at 1024x768x16. ( I have loaded the latest drivers for the motherboard and video card).

P.S. - How does one determine your frame rate? I see them listed everywhere thoughout these messages?
The fact that u have 768mb of ram is the problem. Anything over 510mbram slows down the system . The fact that u have 760mb of ram means ur system is probably down to a crawl at this point.take out ram until u get down to 510mb of ram. Take back the extra ram that u jsut took out or sell it and get urself a new processor. Now u don't have to get a new processor or anything new but defintly no matter wut take out some ram until u get down to 510mbram.
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