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Old 11-10-2007, 11:24 AM   #19
Jim Sachs
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Nearly all companies which use Beta testing put time limits in the code. They don't want a bunch of unfinished programs floating around for years.

Cliff - I'll see what Prolific can do for you regarding a Goldfish Key. As far as criticism and deactivation goes (I know you're kidding about it), there is no connection. The request for input was from Eric personally, no one at Prolific would have even been aware of it. Eric is one of the most honest and straightforward guys I've ever met. If he asks for criticism, believe me he is prepared for criticism. His ego will not be bruised by it. With a shelf full of trophies (yes, even an Academy Award), he has nothing to prove.

Pat - While they've been a good, honest company for me to deal with (incredibly rare nowadays), Prolific can't take credit for quite everything you mention. This wonderful Forum is the sole creation of Morgan. As for the lovely people who frequent it - well I guess they are sort of responsible for themselves
Jim Sachs
Creator of SereneScreen Aquarium
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