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Old 07-12-2007, 05:35 PM   #718
Jim Sachs
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I'm working on really boring stuff right now - nothing which even shows on the screen. File and database loading and organization. It turns out that the MS example code creates a whole separate texture in memory for each material in each object. So if an object has 20 materials in it, all of which use the same texture pic, there are 20 copies of that pic clogging up the system. No wonder MA3 was taking so long to load! I'm re-writing it so that one copy of each texture is loaded into a master list, then each object just references that copy when it needs a texture.

It's boring, but it feels good to trim things down. Kind of like waking up one morning and weighing 150 pounds instead of 300.
Jim Sachs
Creator of SereneScreen Aquarium
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