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Old 12-22-2001, 10:56 AM   #15
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I think they are equally important. Sure, there are alot of people who enjoy being able to talk directly to the developer, and I agree that is a great thing. But, there are also alot of people who come in to get questions answered or to solve problems, and they are looking for help from someone who knows the answers.

If you look at the forum members, we have 300+, but there are not that many people who actually take the time to post something here. I have spoken to many people in the chatroom that have never posted anything on the forum, so, for them it is a very viable outlet to get direct information about what they want to know. Which is the point of having one. It can never be a bad thing to have several outlets for people to use to be able to gain information, and the chatroom has proven over time to be a very valuable part of the whole support structure.
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