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Old 10-02-2006, 12:58 PM   #38
Join Date: Sep 2006

Posts: 9
Originally posted by Jav400:
No worries about the reef tank, what I set up will be a fish tank. A tank full of rock doesn't interest me, JMO. The Zebra Moray on the special creatures page was mine. Its a personal photo I took years ago of the one I had. Somewhere around here I have a photo of the teira I had as well. Him I kept for over 11 years or so, and it died while I was wandering around Europe and someone else was trying to maintain my tank. Both of those I could feed by hand and they are both again definates that I will get for the new tank. If I had my druthers I would like to try my hand with a pinnatus, but I doubt very seriously of ever finding one, and the track record of those isn't good.

Other than those 2 definates, I'm not sure what I want. A majestic would be nice, I don't care much for queens. I wouldn't argue about a blue face, or maybe a small ray if I could find one I like. Flames I had before and don't want another one, an Asfur is still open. The jury is still out on the total contents, but I have pretty much made up my mind on at least a 150, ( I like the 28" ) or a 180.  

I had a 150 set up with Brackish water, a reverse flow undergravel and a protein skimmer and kept 3 Pinatus and 2 Tierra bats alive for over 3 years. I did keep some live rock in the tank also for them to pick on, but they are very tough to get eating intially. You can't have any other fish that will be even slightly aggressive with them either. An adult Pinatus is still one of my favorite fish of all times. The Orbics do well in just about any tank and while they don't have the color of finnage of a Tierra or Pinatus, they have a ton of personality. Most of the puffers tend to act like little puppies after a while too. :-)

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