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Old 03-04-2006, 06:27 PM   #108
Join Date: Nov 2005

Posts: 22
I am the source (or at least a source) of the information that I could exit MA with a mouse move even when the box allowing that is unchecked. That was true for me until I updated the Intellipoint mouse drivers from version 5.2 to 5.5. When I did that, MA stopped exiting with a mouse move when the box is unchecked. So this no longer happens on my system.

And yes, it is a work around to uncheck the box and then leave the screen saver by pressing the Esc key. I have never seen an application close when I've done that. Maybe Carousel too - I haven't used that very much while I've been testing Sharks.

Incidentally, I've run Sharks all day, exiting as often as I can manage, and I have not so far seen it close the underlying active application. I regard this as an interim report. More later.
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