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Old 03-04-2006, 04:25 PM   #105
Join Date: Jun 2005

Location: Western Missouri
Posts: 960
Originally posted by Edgar:

Note: On a bug that only happens on very few people, the best debugging procedure is to boot the same hardware with a clean system then install the suspected software by itself. If it fails then that suspected software is to more likely to blame. If it does not fail, start installing other software until the same problem occurs. The last software installed when the problem occurs is more likely the cause of the problem.

Since I don't have access to the same hardware, this is not possible for me.
...and it is highly unlikely that I will do it, either.

I also suspect that a fresh install of XP Pro with all updates and downloaded fixes from Microsoft, would automatically install the Intellipoint drivers. (And installing without updates and fixes wouldn't be a valid test, either. Among other things, that would be an earlier version of DirectX)

But - see next reply
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