Thread: Current status
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Old 12-02-2005, 11:35 AM   #39
Join Date: Nov 2005

Posts: 4

I don't want to rain on the love-fest, but can you please release a version of the screen saver that has a widescreen background?! I've had a 20" iMac for about a year now and can tell you that looking at the stretched, pixelated background ruins the whole thing.

Seriously, how about addressing something like this before you keep adding fish (it must be easier to render a background capable of 1680x1050 resolution, than it is to create all new fish models)?

I wrote in months back and the reason given was that the download file would be 7MB's (due to the artwork of the background). So? Who cares? Offer it as an alternative download for those who can make use of it.

Honestly; I love this app, but this update needs to be addressed. It's getting a bit old having to nudge politely for something that (as a firm selling a product) should have been addressed long ago.

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