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Old 06-05-2005, 03:27 AM   #29
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Join Date: May 2005

Posts: 12
my concLusions

First, I want to start by saying THANK YOU for aLL the great input I've received from so many of you here. I've been foLLowing the Leads & trying out the ideas & suggestions put forth in this forum. The good newz is that I did come up with some answers that I wouLd Like to share. Now I'm certain that many of you aLready know the foLLowing information, but there are pLenty of peopLe (Like myseLf) who are not as weLL informed - if I can heLp just one ...

The screen fLicker & the jerky movement were (are) two seperate probLems; I was abLe to resoLve the screen fLicker by adjusting my screen refresh rate up to 75 & setting no Limit on the FPS for the screensaver. ApparentLy the timing was off just enough to cause random "cLashes" (for Lack of a better word) between the screen refresh & the changing frames in the screensaver. I set the FPS & screen refresh rate using simpLe "triaL & error".

The jerky movement, I traced back to my firewaLL (Sygate) by process of eLimination using msconfig. It's true (as some of you stated) that winXP pLaces screensavers Low-to-Last on its priorities - so when it is Launched as a screensaver it's Low enough to aLLow my firewall to interfere - thus causing the jerky movement. However, when I Launch it myseLf, winXP treats it Like a reguLar program & pLaces it at (or near) the top of its priorities & weLL above my firewaLL - therefore, no interference!

I added the Reg edit "restoreSCR.Reg" which resuLted in no discernabLe difference either way.

So now I know ...

I'm fairLy certain I know whats what, so now I'm going to gush (just a LeetLe bit!). This is one of the most beautifuL programs I've had the pLeasure of acquiring yet. The precise detaiL, reaListic movement, & soothing water sounds ...stunning (& sooo reLaxing) - You've done a reaL good thing here...


p.s. I prefer to Launch the program myseLf anyhow, i just wanted to figure out the "why" ...
It's there ...i just can't see it
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