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Old 06-03-2005, 12:38 PM   #23
skaLuna's Avatar
Join Date: May 2005

Posts: 12
I see that everyone has pretty much come to the same concLusions that i have at this point. The onLy thing that makes any sense at aLL is that, somehow, the way XP handLes/Launches itz screensaver programs is causing it to run rough - i just can't pin down exactLy where i can possibLy tweek it in so it runs Like it does when I Launch the program myseLf. I reaLize that it's reaLLy not a big deaL - Launching the program myseLf. Anymore, this has become a quest (for me) to find the answer to the eternaL question: "why?"
It's there ...i just can't see it
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