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Old 05-20-2005, 01:04 PM   #1224
Join Date: May 2005

Location: Memphis
Posts: 9
Cool Multiscreen Clock

I looked around for awhile at aquarium screen savers and found this one to be the best, although some others have nice other features.

When I purchased the download I was duped into buying the "bundle" of MA2 and MAT (with the crystal clock). I figured MAT was an add-in, so needed to be purchased along with the other, not a whole different program. I use my laptop with a 2nd monitor so like the multidisplay program, but now I can't have the clock on-screen like I paid for. Is there any plan to make the time program multiscreen?

Also, when I come back to my desk I have to close the screen saver to check for e-mail. What would be slick is to have some indication (a flag waving on a submerged mail box or something) indicating e-mail has arrived (like the one down by the clock in the task bar).

One more observation. When I run MA or MAMS my frame rate is about 50-60 fps. When I run MAT it shows 180 fps. The one difference I've noticed is the slow ones use VSyncCLAMP while the fast one uses VSyncOFF. I don't see anyway to change it, and don't really know what it is.

Anyway. This is really a great program. Like others have said, this is the first screen saver I've found worth paying for. Keep up the good work.
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