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Old 02-01-2001, 01:31 AM   #16

Posts: n/a

Ok, to begin with, I'm a borderline user of this program. I eek out 30 FPS with a 300mhz computer with a TNT card. With all options on at the highest resolution. So if the performance does take a hit with a 3d update I wouldn't mind just taking off some options. So basically I favor a 3d version. Basing a decision on this poll is not very smart though. It takes 70 or so hardcore fans that have discovered the fan site, and discovered the forum and gets their opinion, not the mass's opinion. Most people that have bought this screensaver do not make it this far. Only people that understand the internet well, could make it this far, and go so far to find the poll and vote. These same kind of people that have voted also value a higher end computer and like being at the cutting edge. So I really don't think that you can go around waving this number that 98% want a 3D version on this very localized poll. Most likely the majority of people that purchased this screensaver have not seen this poll... (obviously since there are only 70 votes) and also the majority probably have slower computers then the voters. So before abandoning the 2D version, think twice about who's making the money for this screensaver. Sorry if this doesn't make sense, it's late and I'm getting tired. I'm just thinking in the best interest for everyone. The best situation would be 2 seperate screensavers. The 2d and 3d. Release the 3d first. Then slowly load up the 2d with enough stuff to make current customers with slower computers happy by adding a fish here and there. Meanwhile making the 3d the ultimate aquarium screensaver. I think it's important to keep them seperate though so that customers can have both installed. Ok.. I'm done.. night LOL
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