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Old 01-31-2001, 02:43 AM   #6
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Re: Should it maintain backwards compatibility?

Alright, let's not get evil here.


I know where you are coming from, and that's why I raised the question and posted this Poll. We do care about the users of the Aquarium, especially contributors to the Forums.

The question is, how many people have hardware inadequate to take the changes coming in version 1.0. So far it seems like only 1 person out of 52+.

To be fair, this *IS* a Direct3D program. Some kind of 3D card such as a TnT Riva or ATI128 (which, as Jim stated, run about $15 at a used computer parts shop) has always been recommended for Direct3D software.

If Jim is really going to make the Aquarium backwards compatible, it would add a lot of time and effort between now and the next update, PLUS, he still wouldn't able to implement Invertebrates and many other features on a flat background anyway.

Whether he goes with backwards compatibility in a unified version, or there is a split between 1.0 codebase with 3D background, and a continued support for .99x versions, the only thing he'd be able to provide us with is more fish in the 2D mode.

We are still in the beta testing phase, and the final system requirements of the Aquarium have not yet been determined. I don't think Jim is trying to alienate anyone and as he said, we won't know how much more resources the 3D background uses until he programs it in and tries it.

If you have purchased the Aquarium and it is just too slow with a 3D background, 6 fish, an invertebrate, and moving coral, then I'm sure Jim will refund your money, or at least you can drop back to the 3 registered fish version if this becomes necessary. :/

I also felt rubbed the wrong way by "just stick with .99G" at first. But I will probably stay with .99G on my office PC and use the latest versions at home because I have a decent 3D card here.

Future screen savers by Jim will have even slightly higher hardware expectations so we might be revisiting this issue again.
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