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Old 12-03-2004, 11:17 AM   #122
Jim Sachs
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A couple of years ago, I took a bus tour of England, and didn't really have the impression of overcrowding. Scotland, the Lakes Country, Wales - there always seemed to be miles of beautiful pastoral scenerey.

The trouble with population control is that it's always the wrong part of the population that gets controlled. The intelligent, thoughtful, socially-responsible people are limiting their families to 1 or 2 children, while the blockheads who never got the word still have 10. These children will be raised by blockheads to become blockheads themselves. Germany, France, and (just recently) Italy are all concerned about dwindling birthrates. China's big problem is that they have successfully limited the number of children per family, but everyone wants male children, leading to a situation where a whole generation will have a slim chance of finding wives.
Jim Sachs
Creator of SereneScreen Aquarium
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