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Old 07-12-2004, 06:48 PM   #1
Join Date: Jul 2004

Posts: 16
Widescreen and Dual Monitors


The MD version of Marine Aquarium doesn't act as it should on dual output systems (from what I can tell) - Could Sachs or someone read this and get back to me, I wish to invest in the full software but only if I can display it propery on my setup...

Firstly, Marine Aquarium in non wide, on normal screen is beutiful.

The backdrop has no flaws and is designed well for the 4:3 ratio, in sufficiently high resolution.


The backdrop on a multi-display setup stretches (yes, even when I tick the widescren box for the extended tank) and things don't look as pin sharp and photoreal as the non MD version -> and I think I know why...

16:9 is NOT the same as two screens put side by side displaying for example 1024x768 on each, ie 2048x768.

If I'm right, the designed backdrop on the program for wide version is not long enough, it's longer than the norm, but not long enough for 2 monitors. Basically Sachs, I'm asking this...

Will you be working the MD version to have a backdrop that is designed thus: 2 x horizontal and 1 x vertical screen mode so that it looks every bit as beutiful as the non MD version on a single monitor.

I hope you catch my drift, and I hope you understand that 16:9 is not the same as two 4:3 screens side by side. If nothing else maybe I've helped a little? Or better still - can you help me?

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