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Old 06-26-2004, 07:24 AM   #1164
Senior Puddle Jumper
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cuttlefish, cuttlefish -- I want a cuttlefish. They change color and texture and match background. I stood up close against the glass of a cuttlefish aquarium once for about 45 minutes watching it shift living color and texture and also facinated by how it moved. It doesn't move the same way fishes swim, kinda jet propels itself and also stay afloat in midwater. I think it was watching me back too after awhile. They are amazing, intelligent and wonderful creatures. Clint -- they found a specie of brittle stars that are light sensitive and change color when the light changes. I want my evolved starfish to have color changing abilities too when the light changes. Is that do-able?

**wish I may, wish I might, have the wish I wish tonight. I wish for a cute little cuttlefish, to change with light and change with ground, when day goes to night and as it moves around.**

how many wishes do we get on this wishlist thread?
Minn Wisher
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