Thread: Radeon Troubles
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Old 02-09-2004, 04:57 PM   #10
Join Date: Feb 2004

Posts: 5
Yeah sorry for posting it there...wasnt the right spot to address the issue.

Alrighty. In my last post I forgot to mention that I did indeed do all the windows updates. This was previous to the slowdown of the saver.

I just ran the Dxdiagnostics.

I'm running dx 9.0b

Is this the latest one? I thought 9.1 is out. Maybe I'm wrong.

Im running XP Pro, 512 RAM 266 DDR, a P4 mobile 1.8Ghz.

For the vid card....looks like you were right.

DirectDraw Accereration says not available.....

Direct3D is enabled though....

AGP Texture acceleration - not available.....

I tried to run the directdraw acceleration tests. They seem to work for the first few...until you get to the fullscreen test.

On the first full screen test...maybe when it switches crashes.

At the bottom, I get the following message.

DirectDraw test results:Failure at step 20 (colorfill to back buffer): HRESULT = 0x887601c2 (error code)

So...what do you make of this?? IS direct X 9.1 out...or is 9.0b the latest?

Thanks again
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