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Old 10-09-2003, 07:15 PM   #13
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Originally posted by Schnaaps
Version 1.0 is simply the last beta version with a version number bumped up. We kept fixing and improving until there were no significant bugs.
Why is the lack of "help" not considered a bug? All the "Tank Settings" need major instructions to figure out how to make them work........ if they even do.
On my system... making selections does nothing! I can cycle the tanks with "]". I can cycle the tanks by selecting "cycle tanks" . BUT the check marks do squat. The SS allways comes up with the last used screen.. So, if I shut it off while cycling it will re start later in "that" mode... but again irrespective of the tank settings.
Perhaps.. because I have installed beta over beta (never "un installing" the GA) my registry is screwed up. Is there a "registry" cleaner? What entries should I manually clear out? Or, which ones could be suspect?

But, I am acting as a devils advocate on this issue, I can easily live with it as it is..

Windows98SE DX 8.1 Nvidia Riva TNT (temporarily, my Asus died)
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