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Old 05-09-2003, 09:36 PM   #16
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Posts: 8
That may well be true, and would be a point against the GA in my opinion. I realize Jim is a perfectionist, however we are not. Think for a moment. Do we as hobbists create our aquarium within the bounds of reality? We have our setup with fish from all over the world, and care little if they in nature would be found in the same ocean or sea or lagoon. We mix our tropical fish from all regions simply because its pretty.

Same for Marine aquarium I would imagine. Think someone would care if they had three fish in the tank that came from different parts of the world? Or have a piece of coral in their tank that would not in nature be found with their yellow tang or Angel? Why then would it matter if you had a fish from India and a plant from Hawaii? My opinion, is that we are creating our own small world when we build our tanks, and I would certainly take more license with GA if I were Prolific and offer more plant varieties and colors regardless if they came from the same area or not. Does this make any sense at all?

Originally posted by cjmaddy
I think there may be an Achilles' heel in your theory there, Diver. - I'm not certain about Prolific, but we have all come to respect Jim's belief that nothing that isn't within the bounds of nature, even by just a little bit, can be considered acceptable! ............. He's a perfectionist, you know!

But then again, - GA is Prolific, and they have hinted at 'toys' ..... so who knows, - coloured plants?
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