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Old 04-27-2003, 08:19 PM   #90

Posts: n/a
Oreo is the one.

Thanks, Socrates! I did as you suggested, cycled through the fish, and of the three, Oreo is the most realistic. The anti-aliasing helped some, I guess. Also, now that I've been hyper-critical, there are some things I like about Lifeglobe. I really like the moving plants, although they are quite fuzzy at this stage. I like the gravel; it's quite realistic despite it's fuzzyness.
I think my problem with the tail movement is that with the vigor that these fish shake their tails, they should be shooting across the tank. Instead, they hardly move at all. Also, they do seem to be trying to stay horizontal and afloat. Real fish have what is called an air bladder that keeps them horizontally oriented when not moving.
Anyway, I don't hate it, and I'd probably buy it once the bugs are worked out. Please do something about the background though.
As someone else mentioned, black is the only choice that looks good so far.
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