Thread: Jaggies again
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Old 04-03-2003, 08:19 PM   #12
Mac Development
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OS X and OS 9 keycodes are interchangable among products of the same version.

I've seriously considered giving everyone else the secret fixes I've been hoarding, but I changed my mind. Guess you guys will just have to wait until I'm feeling generous again.

Version 1.1.2/1.1.3 of MA doesn't exhibit the problem on OS X 10.1.5 and does on 10.2. The OS 9 product uses the same OpenGL calls in the same order and doesn't exhibit the problem. Therefore there are two possibilities: 1) Jaguar OpenGL code has a new bug or behavior change from what was standard before or 2) MA does something which was wrong but which 10.1.5 and 9 versions of OpenGL would accept.

I've asked Apple _again_ about this. The problem with this sort of thing is always creating a repro case for them that minimizes the number of things going on so they aren't overwhelmed with unrelated information. This is a problem for us as well with bug reports -- getting the necessary and sufficient conditions to reproduce is often more than half the work.


P.S. I was just kidding about secret fixes. I don't have any. Fish ranking is implemented but the UI isn't determined yet. That is the only "secret" feature. We usually bend over backwards to keep up with issues on this forum. However, there is only so much we can do -- rewriting OpenGL is NOT a paying proposition.
Jim O'Connor
Order N Development
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