Thread: Coral
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Old 03-27-2003, 06:38 PM   #1
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Location: Minneapolis
Posts: 4
Cool Coral

Just got my upgrade code a code a couple days ago. Love the new fish!

A few of things though:

- The fish seem to move a little weird sometimes. Hard to describe, other than I've never seen fish do some of the things they do in MA2. Maybe a collision avoidance thing?

- The fish never move from the 'back' of the aquarium to the 'front' of the aquarium. They seem determined to only go side to side. It really gives the aquarium a very 2D feel...

- I seem to recall reading a while back that MA2 was going to have 'interactive' coral. My coral is still the same as in MA1. It just sits there. It sure would be nice to have the clownfish interact the way the do in the wild! It'd also be nice to see the coral at least 'sway' with the current or when a fish bumps or swims past it. I've read that the Goldfish and Freshwater will have these features. Is there any word on whether this is still coming? Please???

(Shameless promotion: )
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