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Old 03-23-2003, 10:40 PM   #9

Posts: n/a
Yup. As mr. tew said, the starfish fall back on the sand to their "start" position when you exit the screensaver. In the windows version, the last position of the starfish is remembered and the next time the screen saver is activated, you don't have to wait forever for it to crawl back up the glass (if it ever decides to that day) because it continues from where it left off.

The starfish is such a slow moving creature that it needs to be able to start where it left off. Or at least give us an option to do so in the preferences tab. After waiting a long time for the darn thing to finally make it up the glass, it is absolutely disheartening to find out that the little retard fell back to the same start position it always begins its journey from everytime I interrupt and reactivate the screen saver.

Last summer, there was thread here about this and someone from order N dev responded by saying it was an "oversight" and that it would be addressed in the next version. Well, version 1.1.2 was released around this past December and nothing changed with the starfish. So I assumed that maybe the person meant the next MAJOR version. So here we are with the newly released 2.0 and while I love the new interface, the new fish, and the fact that it was a free update, the starfish thing still hasn't been addressed. Please, can this even be done in OSX? Is there some sort of system software limitation due to nature of how screen savers are handled in OSX which lead the developers to a brick wall?

btw, that 2007 comment for version 3.0 was a joke. Fun sarcasm not intended to insult the developers. I know how far marine aquarium OSX has gone in the such a short time and I appreciate the great work that's been done.
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