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Old 03-20-2003, 02:12 PM   #1
Join Date: Mar 2003

Location: Owings Mills, MD
Posts: 4
I had hoped to see these features in 2.0...

Hello all,
I've been an avid follower of this screen saver throughout its versions, and this is my first post on this forum. The screen saver is truly terrific! I am not a fish fanatic but I find this screen saver to be most soothing. However, I have a few requests of the development team. I know things are often more complicated than they seem, I'm just curious to know how difficult some of these things may be and if any work has already been done on them.

* Background Artifacts

I find that the only weak spot (and i am being extremely picky) is the background. At certain resolutions it appears pixelated, i know that the development team has (or is working on) using a native 1600x1200 version of the textures for the coral, this would help. EDIT: The next point is a possible solution for this:

* Anti-Aliasing

Hardware anti-aliasing aside, perhaps the edges of the coral could be a bit alpha blended. I find that they are slightly too harsh edges to appear realistic.

* Background Removal

I must admit that I had grealy hoped for this feature. I know a tremendous amount of work has been put into the original 3D background, but sometimes I want a very clean minimalist look. If there could be a way to have the coral background removed completely and have the fish swimming on a black or gradient background, this would be ideal.

* Fish Darting
While the fish behavior has been tremendously improved, i had hoped to see fish randomly dart in one direction as they do in real life.

Lastly, I am currently in upgrading some software that our company has developed. And we needed to rework the software in a new environment which would allow for more flexibility. 90% of our time was spent on the conversion while 10% was spent on what few modifications we had time for. I understand this to be the case for the Aquarium.

I apologize for nit-picking, and I really give a hats-off to Jim Sachs and the development team for such a great product.

TIA for your responses!

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