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Old 02-03-2003, 12:32 AM   #639
Join Date: Feb 2003

Location: Kansai, Japan
Posts: 2
Smile Custom fish models: let us "roll our own!" (:

I don't know how much of a pain this would be to implement (presumably "non-trivial"), but as someone who works with 3D computer graphics as a hobby, I'd love the ability to add custom fish models to SSA's repertoire. Obviously they'd have to be low-poly and pre-textured, and linked to some sort of animation template, but having the ability to drop my own models into a folder and have the app pick them up and add them to its lists would seem to open up a lot of possibilities. I could see people trading extra fish types, a central library of downloadable fish... Even funky non-realistic cartoon fish, lil' bitty whales, submarines and the like might be possible.

Obviously this is all dependent on the existing code being "modularized" and the fish format being opened up for us to mess with. Don't know if you think it'd be worth the effort in the long-term or not, but I could see it being something to brag about: "Now over 100 fish types supported, and still growing!"

At the very least, once implemented it'd allow others to take some of the pressure off of you for creating each new fish that people request.

Just a thought!

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