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Old 09-23-2002, 09:54 AM   #216
Tiny Turtle
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My point was that if Glen's aquarium-showing monitor was turned on in an otherwise dark bedroom it would still light the room up a bit and he would see the fish – not dream of them.

I believe the feature he is looking for (possibly unknowingly, right now) is to at a given time have the aquarium fade to black and then put the monitor in stand-by to keep both mr. & mrs. Ramsey from having a faintly glowing rectangle on the wall all night.

The given compliment would of course be to power up the monitor, just in time for Corn Flakes...

Not really sure on what level this feature should be implemented. Leave the fade in/out feature out and Windows Scheduler could probably take care of it (given that the monitor has a proper stand-by mode of course.) If it has to fade out and in things would have to work a little bit more together, but this is just speculations from someone who's knowledge of programming doesn't go much beyond macros in Photoshop...

Tiny Stand-by
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