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Old 10-18-2001, 09:52 AM   #24
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Re: Here's the solution...

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp I hope you don't think your "Here's the solution..." post has been ignored!
I just wanted time to think about it. I'm still not sure I understand your meaning behind it, but here goes -

I agree that replacing the plain background with a picture would remove the very slight banding that is apparent
on some systems, my own included, but please don't do it!

I really like the smoooooooth large areas of fine gradation from dark to light, and blue to green. I don't think
any other "Picture" could possibly give the same realistic depth and naturalness. I have mine set just a little
darker than standard, and it looks fabulous! - don't change it!

What is planned for behind the 3D coral? .... don't say it's going to be some hideous "picture", - it would ruin
something thats damn near perfect!

Keep up the good work, - I can't wait for the 3D coral !!!

Yours (with banding) cjmaddy.
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