Thread: Bug: Unconfirmed Dual Monitor - Flashing Screen
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Old 04-17-2015, 11:36 PM   #33
Jim Sachs
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Charles - the only thing that comes to mind is a driver problem. I say this because after more than a decade of attempting to chase down every anomaly that has been reported, I'd be hard pressed to name one that did not turn out to be driver-related.

I suppose we'll eventually reach a point where video cards become so advanced that the kids writing the drivers lose touch with the DirectX roots of their grandfathers. As part of my deal with Microsoft to include my program in their Plus Pack, they were supposed to check MA on every video card and OS setup available with their vast resources. Wouldn't THAT have been nice? Of course, it never happened. So, I apologize for not having any suggestions regarding your problem, but I can only attest that the program works flawlessly on my one aging machine and nVidia card. (including stereo 3D).
Jim Sachs
Creator of SereneScreen Aquarium
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