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Old 08-21-2001, 08:22 PM   #47

Posts: n/a
Re: terrarium-screensaver

First of all JIM, I've been keeping fish for near on 15 years and
I must say the aquarium screensaver is like nothing else I've seen(I've dumped all my other savers). I'm looking forward to
your next work's of art(garden,terrarium).
for future projects you could consider more aquariums like
1) freshwater tropical based on the amazon..picture 6 royal blue discus swimming thru a school of 50 neon tetra's while a leaf fish pick's off the occasional neon from out of the vegetation.....
2) brackish water based on a riverbank (this one would be different as it could include a riverbank as the backdrop..3/4 water 1/4 land) with archer fish shooting bugs off branches overhanging the water while mud crabs and hermits scurry about avoiding pufferfish patrolling the bottom, and schools of scats and mono's swimming past Borneo tiger fish while
mudskippers sit on the riverbank defending their bit of territory from each other.......
just some idea's that your screen saver fired off in me

keep up the excellent work Jim

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