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Old 04-13-2002, 12:10 PM   #211
Tiny Turtle
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Hmmm... too tall you say? – Well let's have a, look shall we?

Never heard of different heights, perhaps this is due to that the gold connector stuff goes quite deep into the slot. How about if you remove the original video card (the video card is the one with a connector on the back with 15 holes in three rows which match up to your monitor cable.) and compare the height of the old and new card.

Do it like this:
1. Cut the power by removing the power cable on the back.
2. Crack the case open.
3. Unscrew the "shelf".
4. Gently (OK, it might take some force but try anyway) remove the card by pulling straight up.
5. Nothing more to it.

Now you can compare the metal plate on the back of your two video cards and see if the height matches. It should and if so you are free to replace the card with a PCI one. If the size differs Gateway have made a pretty stupid step away from standard sizes and I can't imagine why.

Reinstall the card in the same way as you took it out (I know – in reverse order).

The expansion card with a phone line connector on the back are most likely your modem (network cards have a slightly wider version of the same connector)

The different placing of the gold connector stuff on PCI and AGP cards is as you were thinking of course to not insert it into the wrong slot.

I think the large response your post received is due to the fact that we cheered you on in getting a new card without checking all the details. Sorry about that and hope everything works out! Keep us updated on your progress and please don't hesitate to ask if there's anything we can do.

I'll have to agree with Morgan on the Mobo replacing. Everything is easy when you know how, but there are lots of stuff that could mess itself up.

Where in the world are you? For some reason I've got the idea that you're British, but I can't really explain why I think so.
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