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Old 06-05-2010, 10:22 AM   #72
Jim Sachs
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I agree, it will be called a User Guide. The question of how it will be made available to the user is still to be determined. It will certainly figure prominently in the total Website re-do which will come as soon as I can get this new version out the door.

By the way, I just pulled an all-nighter and got a development machine up-and-running. I bit the bullet and copied everything over to a different machine, re-installing everything I could find keys for. It's amazing to me how something as ubiquitous as MSWord can be so hard to re-install if you can't find the official CD. All these programs are RIGHT THERE, on my D: drive in the same machine, but can't be run because they weren't "Installed" on the C: drive. How I long for the days when programs could just be dragged anywhere, double-clicked, and they would simply run.

Oh, yeah - there's still ONE
Jim Sachs
Creator of SereneScreen Aquarium
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