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Old 06-03-2010, 11:29 AM   #66
Jim Sachs
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Yes, but that was just the start of a diagnosis nightmare:

Graphics anomolies and random re-boots. Switched to onboard video chip.
Different anomolies. Replaced power supply.
OK for several hours, then failures start again. Replaced video card.
Won't boot. Tried both video cards in second computer. Both bad.
...Tried and failed to transplant hard drive into second computer...
Back to main computer... What if both video cards actually ARE bad? What are the odds that the on-board chip would also fail at the same time?
Well, there is one main difference - both add-on cards have their own memory chips, but the on-board graphics uses system memory. Replaced memory card. Computer working normally ever since (with one random reboot).

I was fortunate that the only thing I spent money on (a $45 memory card) seemed to do the trick. My next purchase would have been a rather expensive video card, which would have to be PCI. Since no current computers use PCI video cards, this would have been wasted if it didn't work.
Jim Sachs
Creator of SereneScreen Aquarium
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