Thread: Bug: Unconfirmed Upgrading to currently released version
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Old 01-17-2010, 04:37 PM   #4
Jim Sachs
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Don't confuse the program with the installer. No matter where you get it, the current program is 10d. Nova has their own installer, which probably has its own file locations and registry settings. It would not be aware of my version, and vice-versa.

When you buy the boxed version in a store at full retail of $19.95, only a few cents finds its way back to me. If they are discounting it, then even less. If you buy it from the SereneScreen website, I get $15. (Yes, about 100 times as much.)

So you can see why I'm not eager to discuss or promote the boxed version. Its existance is necessary, because having it on the store shelves gives us credibility and acts as our only advertising. My only hope is that a potential customer will see the SereneScreen logo on the box, go home and somehow find their way to the SereneScreen site, where they will download and buy the program. Most of our current sales consist of $9.95 upgrades from previous version of Marine Aquarium (Nova doesn't do upgrades.)
Jim Sachs
Creator of SereneScreen Aquarium
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