Thread: MA3 crashing
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Old 09-17-2009, 08:04 PM   #34
Jim Sachs
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If I thought there was a chance that spending a lot of time coding, recoding, and otherwise troubleshooting code would actually be effective, I'd probably do it. But the fact that the code is directly from Microsoft examples, and works on virtually every PC out there except this one (literally hundreds of millions to one), leads me to believe that the problem is in that computer, not in the code.

This is the very reason that we insist that people download and try the Aquarium for free, to make sure that it works on their computer. If it doesn't, we have all you smart and helpful Forum members to offer suggestions. Have you noticed how many times a problem which has stumped all of us turns out to be something we couldn't have possibly guessed? Sometimes several months later the poor victim will come back to the Forum and report, "Hey - I just thought I'd let you guys know that my computer had a Planaria Worm!", or somesuch.
Jim Sachs
Creator of SereneScreen Aquarium
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