Thread: Beta 9e
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Old 02-23-2009, 01:11 PM   #39
Jim Sachs
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DeBoboMon - I am adding code to compare the name of the current file with the name of the next file, and if they are the same, ignore the change.

Cliff -
Clock: Are you saying that adding clocks into the logo rotation should not be an option? The second request seems to be the way it already works (override current logo for 10 seconds). With Beta9f, an Alt-C option will make the switch permanent.

Logos: Adding a space in the listbox - with all the debugging of crashes - would take me at least a full day. Going back to manual-switching between the logos would require the hiring of "L-key Pressers" by all the businesses that want to use the Aquarium in kiosks to advertize their companies. (BTW -I just got another email from someone who wanted me to put his logo on the side of a fish!)

Music: I know you hate the idea of music in the program, but penalizing those who like it by forcing them to press N to switch to the next song seems a bit mean. Not to mention the ill-will from their cubical-mates who have to listen to the same song repeated all through their lunch hour

You are right about the contributers - I was surpirsed that the things which I considered so intuitive caused confusion. Well, at least this is the place to sort this stuff out before opening it up to wider release.
Jim Sachs
Creator of SereneScreen Aquarium
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