Thread: Bug: Unconfirmed Mouse over clock Slows SS
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Old 02-10-2009, 07:45 PM   #3
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It seems that I have the same problem when my mouse hovers over the "start" button.. the SS will slow from a frame rate of ~35 sleep 30 to ~6. Then will resume the frame rate in a few seconds.
Another "oddity"... my left mouse button will pause the fish as long as I hold it down.. this normal?.. I just noticed it a few days ago.. and while playing. my F5 key will pause the fish on a single push... but holding it down will make the fish swim at half (?) speed. My F6 key seems to work the opposite... holding it will make the fish swim at double (?) speed.. This "seems" different behavior than what it used to be.. The clock does not seem to be effected and will pause but other wise keeps the correct time.
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