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Old 02-01-2009, 05:10 PM   #34
Jim Sachs
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Thanks for all the testing.

The term "Direct3D Device" has an exact meaning in the Microsoft lexicon. People tend to think of it as meaning hardware, but it's really the hardware/software/resolution/bit-depth combination that allows 3D to be displayed. If any part of the software or driver is missing or damaged, the Direct3D Device fails.

I've tried to account for just about anything that could go wrong within the program, and instead of just locking up or crashing, I display Mircosoft's recommended bouncing box with text listing the error. If one of these tests fails, it returns an error code, which I run through a Microsoft program to convert it to human-readable text. So, if the message seems cryptic, blame them, not me. Maybe some day I'll have time to go through them all and replace some of these messages with my own wording, but that's about 30 years down on a very long list of things-to-do.

I think what you are asking for is that the program not run AT ALL, or immediately shut down if it encounters an error. I'm not sure this is possible. Microsoft is pretty picky about these screenblankers being able to cover up sensitive information on a monitor. If someone leaves his desk at the DMV assuming that the screen blanker is about to come on, it's better if there's at least a black screen with a bouncing box than someone noticing that he'd been playing Solitaire.
Jim Sachs
Creator of SereneScreen Aquarium
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