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Old 01-10-2009, 08:23 PM   #26
Jim Sachs
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It looks like Edgar may be going into the multimonitor cave, instead of me. He says he might have an idea what's happening.

I just spent a couple of hours trying to set up a better system for testing multi-monitor stuff. My problem has always been that whenever I needed to test a new bit of code, I'd have to shut down my main development machine, drag the 24" monitor into the other room, hook it up to my multi-card machine, and fire up that system. Of course, the code experiment would never work, so I'd have to repeat the whole process hundreds of times.

About a year ago I had installed an nVidia 5200 card in my main dev machine, which automatically uninstalled (not just disabled) the on-board Intel graphics chip. What I didn't know until today is that I could re-install that chip. The upshot is that I now have two monitors working on my dev machine, and can instantly see the results of any tests. This should speed things up at least 10x.
Jim Sachs
Creator of SereneScreen Aquarium
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