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Old 01-09-2009, 10:56 AM   #3
Jim Sachs
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Found the non-primary-monitor problem. The vertices were being copied to the other render units, but not the matrices. Try Beta8b.

Someone had mentioned that it looked as though everything was being done separately for each monitor. Well, of course that's exactly the case (and why multimonitors are so hard to implement). Each monitor has its own Render Unit within the program, which includes its own textures, object models, shaders, matrices, and any other device-specific objects and code. So the entire rendering loop has to be executed separately for each monitor. Cards which use system RAM instead of having their own on-board RAM might be faster on multimonitor systems, since they can probably get away with just one copy of the program. Several people have mentioned a slowdown when an MA3 window is partially on each monitor. On my Vista system, which uses shared memory, the program runs at full speed no matter how the window is split.
Jim Sachs
Creator of SereneScreen Aquarium

Last edited by feldon34; 03-30-2012 at 01:03 AM.
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